Why am I not able to import a PDF article with a DOI?

March 11, 2014 – Yingting

Question: I understand that if a PDF article has a DOI number I should be able to import it into my EndNote library. However I have problems importing an article with this DOI # – “DOI: 10.1126/science.1243490”. Do you know why I am not able to?

Answer: Generally speaking, for an article in PDF embedded with a valid DOI, you should be able to import it into your EndNote library with complete bibliographic information. However, for PDF articles that are scanned or have no DOI or an incorrect DOI, you will not be able to get the bibliographic information for them. All you get will be just the PDF article attached to a blank record. How do you know if the DOI is correct or not? You have two ways to verify the DOI.

Option 1:

1)    In EndNote under the Tools menu, click “Online Search…”

2)    That will open “Choose a Connection” box. Highlight or search for “CrossRef” and then click the Choose button.

3)    That will allow you to search CrossRef in EndNote. Enter the DOI in the search box.

4)    If it matches a DOI in CrossRef, the bibliographic record that matches the DOI will be retrieved. You can then save it in your EndNote library. If it does not match, that means your DOI you is not correct.

NOTE: When you enter the DOI, use lower case “doi” and leave no space in the doi. For example, if you enter your above doi as “DOI: 10.1126/science.1243490” as shown in your question, you will not be able to find a matching one, because DOI is in upper case and there is a space after “:”. You should enter “doi:10.1126/science.1243490” and a matching record will be retrieved.

Option 2:

1)    Go to http://crossref.org.

2)    Enter the DOI in the box to search.

3)    If it matches a DOI in CrossRef, the citation with the matching DOI will be displayed in CrossRef. Otherwise, a list of possibly relevant citations will be displayed.

NOTE: Enter lower case “doi” and leave no space in the doi, e.g. doi:10.1126/science.1243490.

Hope this helps.

Importing References from UMDNJ Databases

June 8. 2012 – Yingting

As providers changed their database interfaces, the instructions I previously wrote were out of date. Clicking this link http://www.umdnj.edu/rwjlbweb/enx5import.pdf to view the updated instructions in PDF on how to import references from some of the databases heavily used by our UMDNJ users into EndNote X5. Should you have any problem importing references, please contact your campus librarians for help.

How to import references from Cochrane Library into an EndNote Library?

March 28, 2012; Update May 22, 2015 – Yingting

Question: I would like to keep some of the references I found from Cochrane Library in my EndNote Library. Do you know how to do that?

Answer: Please follow the steps below to import the references from Cochrane into EndNote:

  • Perform a search in Cochrane Library.
  • Select the references that you would like to export.
  • Above the search results, click on “Export selected”.
  • In the “Choose your export options” box, choose either “PC”, “Unix or Linux”, or “Mac” for Export type depending on what computer you use; choose either “Citation Only” or “Citation And Abstract” for File type.
  • Click on the “Export Citation” button. A .txt file will be saved to your computer.
  • Open your EndNote library.
  • Under the File menu, choose Import –>File. The Import File window pops up.
  • In the box next to Import File, retrieve the .txt file you just saved.
  • In the box next to Import Option, choose Cochrane Library (Wiley). If it is not shown in the pull-down menu, then click on Other Filters and choose Cochrane Library (Wiley) in the “Choose An Import Filter” pop-up window. You may leave the other two boxes as is.
  • Click the Import button. Your desired references will be imported into your library.

New and Updated Connection Files, Filters and Styles

EndNote has released new and updated connection files, import filters and output styles. For more detailed information, please visit:   http://www.endnote.com/pr-cont-jan11.asp

EndNote Connection File, Import Filter and Output Style Updates for May.

Please use the following link: (http://www.endnote.com/pr-cont-may10.asp) to access the latest Connection files, Output Styles and Import filters. EndNote X4 is still scheduled for release late this month or early next month, so stay tuned.